Book Review: The Last Mrs. Parrish

I grabbed this goodie from my local public library. It was very much like watching a chick flick/thriller movie.  I’ll start this review by saying that I read this book pretty quickly,  It starts off a little slower but things escalate pretty quickly about 40% in.

The book is told from the perspective of the two main characters: Daphne and Amber.  Daphne has it all.  A glamorous life. Adoring husband.  Huge, beautiful home. Bratty kids. She spends her days exercising and heading a non-profit near and dear to her heart.

Meanwhile, Amber escaped from a small town and less than perfect life.  She admires…no….obsesses over Amber’s lifestyle and has developed a plot to steal it all.


Only there is a major plot twist halfway through the book.  The second half of the book is from Amber’s perspective and it is revealed to the readers that her life is far from perfect. It certainly started off that way but then we find out that her husband is a controlling psycho.  To put it gently.

So while Amber thinks she is outsmarting Daphne, she’s really setting herself up.  And Daphne becomes aware of Amber’s schemes and develops a strategy to use it to her advantage.

Needless to say, you should never judge a book by its cover (pun intended). 🙂



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